Frequently Asked Questions
Who is a life Coach and what is the benefit of working with one?
A Life Coach helps you gain clarity of your reality and enables you set clear goals which must be SMART – (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely).
What is NLP?
It is the study of the programmed language of the mind that one uses to see, understand and make sense of the world. The study of NLP will enable you understand how you see the world and how others see the world. It give you deep insight to enable you shatter your barriers and achieve greater all round success.
What is EFT and Matrix Re-imprinting?
This is a study that helps resolve the emotional traumas, pains and fears from the study and understanding of the 12 universal laws. It enables you resolve trauma and undesired experiences from your past so you can begin to live an abundant life.
How long is a coaching or a therapy session?
A coaching or a therapy session should last from 60mins to 90mins.
What is the difference between a Life Coach and a Therapist?
A life Coach helps you set and achieve smart goals and helps you achieve peak performance in each of the twelve critical areas of your life so you can live a harmonized and optimal life.
A Therapist helps you resolve emotional and behavioral problems that limit you from achieving a healthy self image of yourself, happiness, fun and excellence in your life.
How much is a Life Coaching session.
A Life Coaching session is a global average of about $100.00. The greater the skill, experience and brand of the Coach, the higher the charge.
How much is a Therapy Session
Like the Life Coaching session, the global average is about $100.00 an hour and the skill, experience and brand of the Coach/Therapist will determine how high the charge would be.
After a Therapy for a problem, what is the likelihood of the problem representing in the future?
The skill of the therapist and the action and responsibility the client takes to resolve the will determine how the problem will be resolved.
Can these sessions be held face to face only or on camera such as Zoom, FaceTime and other internet and social media platforms?
Since the COVID 19 global challenge, The use of social media such as Zoom, Meets, WhstsappAudio, FaceTime etc have become the norm.
Since Coaching is a global business, over 95% of engagements are done online.
What are the consequences of not getting Coached or going through therapy in life generally?
Everyone needs a coach to achieve peak performance.
Presidents, Athletes, Musicians, Actors, Fortune 500 Companies CEO’s and Leaders of Multinational Businesses have Coaches.
Anyone who wants rapid improvement in an area of his life should engage the services of a coach.
Anyone struggling to discover his Identity or Talents or be freed from Trauma, Limiting self image, Limiting beliefs, Fear, Anxiety, Phobias, Procrastination, Mental Health etc should engage the services of an Integrative Life Coach.